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The ‘right to roam’ on 99% Invisible

Ken Ilgunas

Today I’m featured in an episode of the podcast 99% Invisible. The subject is the right to roam in the U.K., with special focus on the 1932 Mass Trespass of Kinder Scout, which was a forbidden mountain in what is now the Peak District of Northern England. The Kinder Scout trespass is the main narrative in Chapter Three of This Land is Our Land, so I know my history pretty well. All in all, it was a fine episode from a podcast I greatly respect. I love how shows like these normalize what is, for us, a radical concept. P.S.: British filmmakers are renowned for their period pieces. Can one of y’all please make a movie about the trespass? It has all the ingredients for a great movie: a small-statured and charismatic leader (Benny Rothman, less than 5 feet tall), grimy Manchester juxtaposed with beautiful English countryside, a great struggle, a great message, and a great ending. Plus, there’s even a folk ballad:

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